Hi Michael,
Thanks so much for reading. You're right I should probably edit this article to include the original German phrases.
I didn't expect this piece to resonate with so many people.
I will update this soon but until I do here you go:
1. "auf dem Zahnfleisch kriechen" - "crawling on your gums"
2. "Hals- und Beinbruch" - "I'm wishing you a broken neck and a broken leg!"
3. "etwas aus der Nase ziehen" - "pulling something out of the nose"
4. "Klappe zu, Affe tot" - "Hatch closed, monkey dead!"
5. "ein Auge auf jemanden werfen" - "throwing an eye on another person"
6. "einen Kater haben" - "having a male cat"
7. "Mir ist eine Laus über die Leber gelaufen." - "A louse crawled over my liver."
8. "einen Frosch im Hals haben" - "having a frog in one's throat"
9. "nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben" - "not having all cups left in the cupboard"
10. "Haare auf den Zähnen haben" - "having hair on your teeth"