Emilia Smith
1 min readSep 10, 2021


Thank you so much for reading all of this! I honestly didn’t expect anyone to read this 16 minute piece from start to finish because I can hardly bring up the energy to plow through that much text myself.
Ok now, ‘fantastic writer’ sounds great but let’s just say my writing is decent. You see, I’m having such a hard time accepting that my writing should be great or even fantastic. It’s because I feel like I should have proper training or do this professionally or whatever. I’ve never even taken one writing course. I just write away. Penning down whatever comes to mind however it comes to mind. I’ve done this ever since I could hold a pen.
Maybe it’s a form of imposter syndrome, who knows… With every article I write there comes that dreaded feeling of just wasting other people’s time. All those nagging questions: What do I even know? Why would anyone think I’m an expert at this? How is my opinion on this relevant? Oh well.
Anyway, I was so happy I remembered this blog, and re-reading my posts actually made me laugh. Do you ever read your old pieces and think to yourself oh goodness who was this person??



Emilia Smith

Telling my mental health journey. Talking about the hilarious everyday madness we call life. www.buymeacoffee.com/emiliajade